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How to Read a Refrigerant Chart

How to read a refrigerant chart. The heat transfer properties of refrigerant is the key ingredient used in the HVAC industry for cooling. Reading a refrigerant pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart allows you to analyze and understand the thermodynamic properties of a refrigerant at different pressures and temperatures. Being able to read a refrigerant chart allows you check the health of a refrigerant system.

If you prefer to watch the video of this presentation then scroll to the bottom or click on the following link: How to Read a Refrigerant Chart

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to read a refrigerant P-H chart:

1. Understand the axes: The P-H chart typically has the pressure (P) axis on the y-axis and the enthalpy (H) axis on the x-axis. The pressure is usually measured in units like psi, kPa, or bar, while the enthalpy is measured in units like Btu/lb, kJ/kg, or kcal/kg.

Refrigerant Pressure Temperature Chart
Refrigerant Pressure Temperature Chart

2. Identify the refrigerant: Determine which specific refrigerant is being represented on the chart. Different refrigerants have their own unique Pressure Enthalpy charts, so make sure you have the correct one for your refrigerant of interest.

Checkout Refrigerants here

3. Locate the pressure: Find the desired pressure on the y-axis of the chart. Trace a horizontal line from that pressure value until it intersects with the graph. If you want to use gauge pressure then add atmospheric pressure.

4. Determine the Temperature: Once the horizontal line intersects the graph, locate the corresponding temperature value on the 100% saturated liquid line or 100% saturated vapor line. The temperature in-between these two saturation lines is constant and runs horizontally, while outside this bubble area the temperature lines run vertically. This temperature represents the saturation temperature of the refrigerant at the given pressure.

Pressure Enthalpy Refrigerant Graph
Pressure Enthalpy Refrigerant Graph

The saturation temperature for a refrigerant refers to the temperature at which the refrigerant exists in a state of equilibrium between its liquid and vapor phases at a specific pressure. It represents the temperature at which the refrigerant will undergo a phase change from liquid to vapor (to boil) or from vapor to liquid (to condense).

The Constant Quality line runs vertically within this bubble area indicates the percentage of refrigerant that is in the vapor state. You can see as the constant quality line leaves the saturated liquid line and approaches the saturated vapor line, more and more of the refrigerant is turned into vapor, until it’s 100% vapor at the saturated vapor line.

5. Analyze enthalpy:

Analyze enthalpy: From the intersection point, trace a vertical line downward until it intersects with the enthalpy scale on the x-axis. This gives you the specific enthalpy value for the corresponding pressure and temperature.

The constant temperature and pressure line is where the evaporator turns liquid refrigerant into vapor. When it reaches the saturated vapor line it should be 100% vapor as this is where it will enter the compressors which only works with vapor. The compressor will raise the pressure and temperature up to the condensing temperature and pressure. This small section beyond the saturated vapor line is where de-superheating takes place. This runs from the compressor discharge until it intersects the saturated vapor line, and from there it remains at a constant temperature. See our video on Desuperheating.

Here the condenser line runs from the exit of the compressor until it reaches the expansion valve. In order to reuse the cooling effect of the refrigerant, we’ll need to lower its temperature. This is done by lowering the pressure through the expansion device. As refrigerant pressure is related to temperature. As the refrigerant liquid enters the expansion device some it flashes causing the temperature to lower. You can see that at the entrance to the evaporator a certain percentage of the refrigerant has already been evaporated and turned into vapor, approximately 35% in our example.

6. Interpret properties: Using the enthalpy value, you can gather important information about the refrigerant. For example, you can determine the refrigerant’s state (saturated liquid, saturated vapor, or superheated vapor) and calculate its specific heat capacity or other thermodynamic properties.

7. Additional information: Some P-H charts may include additional data points or curves, such as lines of constant entropy or lines representing superheated vapor or subcooled liquid regions. Familiarize yourself with any such features to extract more information from the chart.

Remember, reading a P-H chart requires understanding of the thermodynamic properties and behavior of refrigerants. It’s recommended to consult relevant textbooks, manuals, or guides to gain a deeper understanding of how to interpret and use these charts effectively.

The bubble point on a refrigerant pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart refers to the state at which a refrigerant undergoes a phase change from a liquid to a vapor (boiling) when pressure is held constant. It represents the saturation curve or the boundary between the liquid and vapor phases of the refrigerant.

When reading a P-H chart, the bubble point is the point on the chart where the refrigerant is in a saturated liquid state. It occurs at a specific pressure and temperature combination where the refrigerant starts to boil and transition from a liquid phase to a vapor phase.


Superheat, in the context of refrigeration systems and a refrigerant pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart, refers to the temperature increase of a vapor refrigerant above its saturation temperature at a given pressure. It represents the amount of sensible heat added to the refrigerant after it has completed the phase change from liquid to vapor.

On a P-H chart, the superheat region is located beyond the saturation curve, where the refrigerant is in a vapor state and has a temperature higher than its saturation temperature at a specific pressure. The superheat region is typically represented by lines or curves that indicate constant levels of superheat.

Measuring and controlling superheat is crucial in refrigeration systems to ensure optimal performance and prevent potential issues. By monitoring and adjusting the superheat, technicians can achieve efficient and reliable operation of the system.

The superheat value is important for several reasons:

1. System efficiency: Proper superheat ensures that the refrigerant completely evaporates in the evaporator coil before it reaches the compressor. This maximizes the system’s cooling capacity and energy efficiency.

2. Compressor protection: Superheat helps prevent liquid refrigerant from entering the compressor, which can cause damage due to inadequate lubrication and potential compressor failure.

3. Temperature control: Superheat helps maintain a consistent temperature in the evaporator coil, ensuring proper cooling and preventing frost or ice formation.

To determine the superheat value on a P-H chart, locate the point on the chart that corresponds to the operating pressure and temperature of the refrigerant in the superheated vapor state. The difference between this temperature and the saturation temperature at that pressure represents the superheat value.

By monitoring superheat and adjusting system parameters such as refrigerant flow, evaporator pressure, and temperature settings, technicians can optimize the performance and efficiency of refrigeration systems.


Subcooling, in the context of refrigeration systems and a refrigerant pressure-enthalpy (P-H) chart, refers to the temperature decrease of a liquid refrigerant below its saturation temperature at a given pressure. It represents the amount of sensible heat removed from the refrigerant after it has completed the phase change from vapor to liquid.

On a P-H chart, the subcooling region is located below the saturation curve, where the refrigerant is in a liquid state and has a temperature lower than its saturation temperature at a specific pressure. The subcooling region is typically represented by lines or curves that indicate constant levels of subcooling.

Sub-cooling is important in refrigeration systems for several reasons:

1. System efficiency: Proper subcooling ensures that the liquid refrigerant is condensed and remains in a liquid state before entering the expansion device. This maximizes the system’s cooling capacity and energy efficiency.

2. Expansion device performance: Subcooling helps optimize the operation of the expansion device (such as a thermostatic expansion valve) by providing a stable liquid refrigerant flow rate and improving the accuracy of the refrigerant metering process.

3. System stability: Subcooling helps maintain a stable refrigerant flow and temperature control, preventing issues such as flashing or unstable operation in the evaporator.

To determine the subcooling value on a P-H chart, locate the point on the chart that corresponds to the operating pressure and temperature of the refrigerant in the subcooled liquid state. The difference between this temperature and the saturation temperature at that pressure represents the subcooling value.

By monitoring subcooling and adjusting system parameters such as condenser pressure, refrigerant flow, and condenser temperature settings, technicians can optimize the performance and efficiency of refrigeration systems while ensuring the proper operation of key components.

Latent Heat of Fusion

The latent heat of fusion for a refrigerant refers to the amount of heat energy that must be added or removed from the refrigerant to cause a phase change from a solid to a liquid state, or vice versa, at a specific temperature and pressure.

When a refrigerant undergoes fusion, which is the transition from a solid to a liquid state, the latent heat of fusion represents the heat energy required to break the molecular bonds and convert the refrigerant from a solid (usually in the form of ice) to a liquid without a change in temperature. Similarly, when a refrigerant solidifies from a liquid to a solid state, the same amount of heat energy is released.

The latent heat of fusion is a characteristic property of each substance, including refrigerants, and is typically expressed in units such as joules per kilogram (J/kg) or calories per gram (cal/g). It is important to note that the latent heat of fusion is specific to the refrigerant being used.

Knowing the latent heat of fusion is significant in refrigeration and air conditioning applications, particularly when dealing with phase change processes such as melting or freezing. Understanding this property helps in sizing components like evaporators and condensers, determining the amount of energy required for phase changes, and predicting the thermal behavior of the refrigerant during these transitions.

It’s worth noting that not all refrigerants exhibit a solid phase at typical operating conditions. Some refrigerants, such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), do not undergo a solid-liquid phase change but instead transition directly between vapor and liquid states. In such cases, the concept of latent heat of fusion may not apply.

Latent Heat of Vaporization

The latent heat of vaporization for a refrigerant refers to the amount of heat energy that must be added or removed from the refrigerant to cause a phase change from a liquid to a vapor state, or vice versa, at a specific temperature and pressure.

When a refrigerant undergoes vaporization, which is the transition from a liquid to a vapor state, the latent heat of vaporization represents the heat energy required to break the intermolecular forces and convert the refrigerant from a liquid to a vapor without a change in temperature. Conversely, when a refrigerant condenses from a vapor to a liquid state, the same amount of heat energy is released.

The latent heat of vaporization is a characteristic property of each substance, including refrigerants, and is typically expressed in units such as joules per kilogram (J/kg) or calories per gram (cal/g). It is important to note that the latent heat of vaporization is specific to the refrigerant being used.

Knowing the latent heat of vaporization is crucial in refrigeration and air conditioning applications as it helps in sizing components such as evaporators and condensers, determining the amount of energy required for phase changes, and predicting the thermal behavior of the refrigerant during these transitions.

The latent heat of vaporization also plays a significant role in the overall cooling process. When the refrigerant evaporates, it absorbs heat energy from the surroundings, providing the cooling effect. Later, when the refrigerant condenses, it releases the absorbed heat energy, which is transferred to the environment or rejected through the condenser.

Understanding and utilizing the latent heat of vaporization is essential for designing and operating efficient refrigeration systems. It allows engineers and technicians to optimize system performance, select appropriate equipment, and determine the energy requirements for the desired cooling or refrigeration applications.

Sensible Heat

The sensible heat of a refrigerant refers to the amount of heat energy that causes a change in the temperature of the refrigerant without a change in phase (from liquid to vapor or vice versa). It is the heat energy associated with changing the sensible (perceptible) temperature of the refrigerant.

When heat is added or removed from a refrigerant in its liquid or vapor state, the sensible heat causes a change in temperature without causing a phase change. Sensible heat can be measured and quantified as the product of the mass of the refrigerant and its specific heat capacity.

The specific heat capacity is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of the refrigerant by one degree Celsius or Kelvin. It is a characteristic property of the refrigerant and varies depending on the specific substance.

The sensible heat of a refrigerant is relevant in refrigeration and air conditioning systems for various reasons:

1. Temperature control: Adding or removing sensible heat allows for precise control of the refrigerant’s temperature, ensuring that it meets the desired cooling or heating requirements.

2. Comfort control: In air conditioning applications, adjusting the sensible heat of the refrigerant helps regulate the temperature of the conditioned space to provide comfort for occupants.

3. Heat transfer: Sensible heat transfer occurs in heat exchangers, such as evaporators and condensers, where heat is exchanged between the refrigerant and the surrounding medium (air or water) without a phase change.

In refrigeration and air conditioning systems, sensible heat is typically managed through processes such as heat exchange, throttling, and temperature control devices to achieve efficient and controlled cooling or heating.

Understanding the concept of sensible heat is important for system design, operation, and troubleshooting, as it enables engineers and technicians to optimize cooling or heating processes, select appropriate equipment, and ensure efficient heat transfer within the system.

Latent Heat

The latent heat of a refrigerant refers to the amount of heat energy that is absorbed or released during a phase change of the refrigerant, such as the transition from a liquid to a vapor state (vaporization) or from a vapor to a liquid state (condensation), at a constant temperature and pressure.

When a refrigerant undergoes a phase change, the latent heat represents the heat energy required to break or form intermolecular forces without causing a change in temperature. It is called “latent” because this heat energy is hidden or concealed within the refrigerant during the phase change.

The latent heat of a refrigerant can be divided into two components:

1. Latent heat of vaporization: This is the amount of heat energy absorbed or released when the refrigerant changes from a liquid to a vapor state (vaporization). The latent heat of vaporization is typically associated with the evaporator in a refrigeration or air conditioning system, where heat is absorbed from the surroundings to convert the refrigerant into a vapor.

2. Latent heat of condensation: This is the amount of heat energy released or absorbed when the refrigerant changes from a vapor to a liquid state (condensation). The latent heat of condensation is typically associated with the condenser in a refrigeration or air conditioning system, where heat is released to the surroundings as the refrigerant condenses.

The latent heat of a refrigerant is an important factor in the cooling or heating process. It determines the amount of heat energy required or released during phase changes and influences the overall heat transfer and efficiency of the system.

Understanding the latent heat of a refrigerant is crucial for designing and operating efficient refrigeration and air conditioning systems. It allows engineers and technicians to determine the energy requirements, select appropriate equipment, and optimize the heat transfer processes to achieve desired cooling or heating effects.

Bubble Point 

The bubble point is important in refrigeration systems because it helps determine the conditions at which refrigerant evaporates inside the evaporator coil. By knowing the bubble point, you can determine the saturation temperature and pressure at which the refrigerant will change from a liquid to a vapor, which is crucial for system design, operation, and troubleshooting.

On a P-H chart, the bubble point is typically represented by a curved line or boundary that separates the liquid region from the vapor region. This curve shows the relationship between pressure and enthalpy for the refrigerant during the boiling process at constant pressure.

Understanding the bubble point and its location on the P-H chart allows engineers, technicians, and professionals in the refrigeration industry to analyze the behavior of the refrigerant and make informed decisions regarding system performance, capacity, and efficiency.

Checkout Refrigerants here

Refrigerant Pressure Temperature Charts

R410A: R-410 A Pressure Temperature Chart

How to read Refrigerant Charts


Desuperheater. In this article we’ll show you how a desuperheater can be used in conjunction with a service water heater to increase its energy efficiency. It works by utilizing waste heat from an air conditioning or refrigeration system to preheat the water before it enters the service water heater.

If you prefer to watch the video of these presentation than scroll to the bottom or click on the following link. Desuperheater.

Desuperheater connected to a Refrigerant Circuit
Desuperheater connected to a Refrigerant Circuit

Here’s a general overview of how a desuperheater could works, our system is slightly different as were using a service water heater in a grocery store that has the need for hot water such as in a kitchen, but the concept is the same:

1. System Setup: The desuperheater is typically integrated into a heat pump or air conditioning system, and consists of a heat exchanger.

2. Heat Extraction: When the air conditioning or refrigeration system operates, it produces high-pressure, high-temperature refrigerant vapor. The desuperheater diverts this superheated refrigerant to the heat exchanger.

Desuperheater in a Grocery Store
Desuperheater in a Grocery Store

3. Heat Transfer: The superheated refrigerant passes through the heat exchanger, where it transfers its heat to the water flowing through the heat exchanger. This heat transfer process raises the temperature of the water.

4. Temperature Control: The control valve regulates the flow of superheated refrigerant to the recovery tank heat exchanger, adjusting the amount of heat transferred based on the desired water temperature. This ensures that the water doesn’t get excessively heated.

5. Preheated Water Supply: The preheated water from the desuperheater is then directed to the service water heater. The service water heater’s primary heating source, such as a gas burner or electric element, will still be needed to raise the temperature further to the desired hot water temperature.

By utilizing the waste heat from the air conditioning or refrigeration system, the desuperheater reduces the workload on the service water heater’s primary heating source. This can result in significant energy savings and increased overall system efficiency, as the water heater doesn’t have to work as hard to reach the desired temperature.

It’s worth noting that the effectiveness of a desuperheater depends on factors such as the operating conditions of the air conditioning or refrigeration system, the demand for hot water, and the temperature difference between the preheated water and the desired hot water temperature. Consulting with a professional HVAC technician or engineer is recommended for a proper assessment and installation of a desuperheater system.

Refrigerant Chart

Looking at a refrigerant chart of this process we can see that after the compressor raises the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant, it then enters the desuperheater where it gives up its heat.

Refrigerant Chart showing Desuperheat
Refrigerant Chart showing Desuperheat

Desuperheater in a Geothermal Heat Pump System

A desuperheater can be used in conjunction with a geothermal heat pump to provide additional hot water heating capabilities. In a geothermal heat pump system, the desuperheater utilizes excess heat generated during the cooling cycle to heat water for domestic use.

Here’s a general overview of how a desuperheater works with a geothermal heat pump:

1. System Setup: The desuperheater is integrated into the geothermal heat pump system. It consists of a heat exchanger, a control valve, and a separate storage tank for hot water.

2. Heat Extraction: During the cooling mode of the geothermal heat pump, excess heat is generated and normally dissipated into the ground. Instead, the desuperheater diverts this excess heat from the heat pump’s refrigerant to the heat exchanger.

Geothermal System using a Desuperheater
Geothermal System using a Desuperheater

3. Heat Transfer: The superheated refrigerant flows through the heat exchanger, transferring its heat to the water flowing through a separate set of pipes within the exchanger. This process heats up the water as it passes through.

4. Temperature Control: The control valve regulates the flow of superheated refrigerant to the heat exchanger, adjusting the amount of heat transferred based on the desired water temperature. This ensures that the water doesn’t get excessively heated.

5. Hot Water Storage: The preheated water is directed to a separate storage tank dedicated to hot water. The geothermal heat pump’s circulation system then draws from this tank whenever hot water is needed in the building.

By using the excess heat from the geothermal heat pump’s cooling cycle, the desuperheater provides a supplemental source of hot water. This can significantly reduce the energy consumption associated with heating water separately.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of a desuperheater in a geothermal heat pump system depends on factors such as the operating conditions, the cooling load, and the hot water demand. Consulting with a professional HVAC technician experienced in geothermal systems is recommended to properly assess and install a desuperheater for a geothermal heat pump.

Desuperheater for Heat Recovery

Vertical Inline Multi-Stage Pumps

Vertical Inline Multi-Stage Pumps. In this article we’ll cover Vertical inline multi-stage pumps that are used to boost domestic water supply pressure in multi-story buildings when city pressure is insufficient.

If you prefer to watch the Video of this presentation, then scroll to the bottom or click on this link. Vertical Inline Multi-stage Pumps.

For plumbing fixtures to work correctly and provide the necessary flow of water, there must be a minimum amount of pressure for proper operation. If the city water supply doesn’t have enough pressure to overcome all the pressure losses in the system and provide the minimum operating pressure for the plumbing fixture, then one of the strategies is to add a booster pump.

The booster pump can extend the supply water pressure to reach plumbing fixtures on the upper floors of a high-rise building, when the water companies supply pressure is insufficient. With a multi-stage pump, multiple impellers are used to increase the pressure. See our other video on How to size Water Supply Piping using Fixture Units

Two separate buildings, one provided with enough city water pressure, the other requiring a booster pump
Two separate buildings, one provided with enough city water pressure, the other requiring a booster pump

In our previous discussion on how to size water piping we used a 4-story building that didn’t require a booster pump, because the city pressure was adequate enough to overcome all the pressure drops and provide the minimum required pressure at the most remote demanding plumbing fixture. Here, we take that same building, and add another 9 floors, for a total of a 13 story building. A quick look at our previous calculation will quickly inform us, that there isn’t enough city pressure to get the water to the top floor plumbing fixtures. This will require a booster pump.

Single Stage vs Multistage Pumps

Single stage pumps use only one impellor which are best applied in large flow, low pressure applications. Multi-stage pumps provide a varying rate of water flow and pressure conditions that provide better energy savings in the right application. With a multistage pump there are two or more impellers stacked in series.

Single Stage vs Multi-stage Pumps

Vertical multi-stage pumps are designed with multiple impellers mounted on a common shaft. Each impeller consists of curved blades that accelerate the fluid and increase its pressure. The number of impellers can vary depending on the desired pressure requirements. The impellers are installed in series, one after the other on a single shaft that is powered by a motor that sits on top.

These charts show that for any given size pump, if the number of impellers is increased, the pressure available also increases. Also, note as flow decreases, more pressure becomes available with the same number of impellors, or said another way. As flow increases the available pressure decreases. That’s why it’s important to select a pump that can handle the maximum flow at the required pressure.

How do Vertical Inline Multistage Pumps Work

Domestic supply water enters the suction side of the pump and into the first impeller which feeds the next impellor in series in multistage or multi-impeller pumps. Each impellor feeds the next one, which could include dozens of impellers stacked vertically on top each other. Each impellor raises the pressure further without effecting the water volume. The volume will be increased as demand increases by increasing the speed of the motor using a variable speed drive. See our video on How Variable Speed Drives work.

By engaging multiple stages of impellers, the pressure can be increased or decreased, while the volume of water can be increased or decreased by controlling the speed or RPM of the motor with a VFD. By increasing the number of pump impellers in series, greater pressures can be achieved, with each successive impeller increasing the pressure above the previous impeller. 

As the impeller rotates, it creates centrifugal force, which pushes the liquid outwards and towards the edge of the impeller blades. This force creates a low-pressure area at the center of the impeller, which causes more liquid to flow into the pump from the inlet. The liquid is then forced out of the pump through the discharge port and into the system where it is needed.

Vertical pumps can be used in a variety of applications, such as in HVAC systems, water supply systems, and industrial processes. They are known for their reliability, efficiency, and ease of maintenance.

Multi-pump Controller

When multiple pumps are used, a controller can regulate the quantity of pumps that operate and efficiently allocate their runtime by alternating lead and lag pumps for even wear. The pump curves can be programmed into the controller to optimize their most efficient operating points. Having VFD’s maintain a constant pressure ensures that various water demands are provided with sufficient pressure while reducing motor speed when demand falls off. This will reduce pump wear, maintenance cost, energy cost, and extend the life of the pumps.

Design: Vertical pumps consist of several key components. The main parts include the motor, impeller, volute casing, and shaft. The motor provides the rotational power, while the impeller is a rotating component with curved blades that accelerates the fluid.

Suction: The pump is installed vertically, with the inlet and outlet located at the bottom. The fluid enters the pump through the suction inlet.

Centrifugal force: As the impeller rotates, it imparts centrifugal force to the fluid. The curved blades of the impeller push the fluid outward, creating a high-velocity flow.

Conversion of kinetic energy to pressure energy: As the fluid leaves the impeller, it enters the volute casing, which is a spiral-shaped chamber surrounding the impeller. The volute casing gradually expands in diameter, allowing the high-velocity fluid to slow down and convert its kinetic energy into pressure energy.

Discharge: The fluid exits the pump through the outlet located at the bottom. It is then directed to the desired destination, such as a pipeline or a storage tank.

Control: Vertical pumps often incorporate various control mechanisms to regulate the pump’s operation. These may include sensors, pressure switches, and variable frequency drives (VFDs). These controls help maintain optimal performance, prevent overload, and enable energy-efficient operation.

It’s important to note that the specific design and functionality of vertical pumps can vary depending on the model and application. Therefore, it’s advisable to refer to the manufacturer’s documentation or consult an expert for detailed information on a particular pump model or system.

These pumps are energy efficient, reliable, and quite when operating. Vertical inline multi-stage pumps work by utilizing a motor that drives a shaft with an impeller attached to the end. The impeller rotates, creating a flow of liquid through the pump. The liquid enters the pump through the inlet and is directed towards the impeller.

To calculate losses during the sizing process of a water booster pump, it’s important to measure static height or lift to determine the static losses, while calculating dynamic losses as well. Static height equals the elevation measured from the booster pump to the highest point of the water in the building, while dynamic losses depend on the water consumption. When water consumption or flow is high, dynamic losses in pipes and fittings will increase. When there is no water flow, there are no dynamic losses.

Variable Speed Drive (VFD)

Variable Speed Drive (VFD) pumps can adjust the flow and pressure to the variations in water demand. Constant rate pumps don’t have the required operating ability to adjust the flow rate or speed to meet varying demands of the water supply. If used in a hotel where there may be no flow one minute then a large demand as guest awake to take their morning showers, the need for variable speed provides the responsiveness required to meet this varying demand by speeding up or staging more pumps.

Vertical Inline Multi-stage Pumps used to boost pressure

Fan Filter Units FFU

Fan Filter Units FFU, and how they work. In this article we’re going to cover the fundamentals of how fan filter units work and there use in a cleanroom environment. We’ll show you four different fan filter unit system configurations and how they differ.

If you prefer to watch the video of this presentation, then scroll to the bottom or click on the following link. Fan Filter Units FFU

A Fan Filter Unit (FFU) is a device used in cleanrooms and other controlled environments to provide high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) or ultra-low penetration air (ULPA) filtration. It consists of a fan, a filter, and a housing unit. The primary purpose of an FFU is to circulate and filter air to maintain a clean and particle-free environment.

Fan Filter Unit (FFU)
Fan Filter Unit (FFU)

Here’s how a FFU typically works

Fan: The FFU contains a fan that draws air into the unit using various system configurations. The fan is usually an electronically commutated (ECM) or direct current (DC) motor that operates quietly and efficiently. The most common sizes are 24” x  24”, 24” x 36”, and 24” x 48” fan filter units.

Checkout these Fan Filter Units here

Air Handling Unit & Fan Filter Unit System #1

Here we show an Air Handling Unit directly feeding the fan filter units, with the return from the space going directly back to the air handler.

Fan Filter Units served directly from an Air Handling Unit
Fan Filter Units served directly from an Air Handling Unit

Filter: The air passes through a high-efficiency filter, such as a HEPA or ULPA filter within the Fan filter unit housing. These filters are designed to remove particles as small as 0.3 micrometers (HEPA) or 0.12 micrometers (ULPA) with high efficiency. They capture airborne contaminants, including dust, pollen, bacteria, and other particles, ensuring the air leaving the FFU is clean and free from harmful substances.

Housing Unit: The fan and filter are housed in a sealed unit, preventing air leakage and maintaining the desired cleanliness level within the controlled environment. The housing unit is typically constructed with materials that minimize particle generation and are easy to clean.

Air Handling Unit & Fan Filter Unit System #2

With this second configuration the air handler feeds the fan filter units as in system #1, but the return air goes directly to the fan filter unit instead of the air handler. The air handler provides the required conditioning and outside air, while the fan filter units provide the required air changes to achieve the cleanliness level for the specified space.

Fan Filter Units served by AHU and Return Air Directly
Fan Filter Units served by AHU and Return Air Directly

Air Distribution: The clean, filtered air is then discharged uniformly and evenly through the outlet of the FFU. The airflow pattern depends on the specific design and installation of the FFU, which can vary based on the requirements of the cleanroom or controlled environment.

Air Handling Unit & Fan Filter Unit System #3

In this third system configuration, the air handler dumps its supply air into a sealed plenum area where the fan filter unit draws air from. The return air is drawn into the plenum space by the fan filter units.

Fan Filter Units pulling air from Plenum space served by Air Handling Unit
Fan Filter Units pulling air from Plenum space served by Air Handling Unit

FFUs are often used in conjunction with a ceiling grid system or other mounting methods to create a grid of clean air within a cleanroom. Multiple FFUs can be installed in a modular fashion to cover the entire ceiling area, providing consistent air cleanliness throughout the space.

Checkout these Fan Filter Units here

Fan Filter Unit System #4

In this system configuration the fan filter units have the return air ducted directly to the unit providing a closed loop within the cleanroom. This may be used where a tight plenum is not available.

Fan Filter Units with ducted return Air
Fan Filter Units with ducted return Air

Fan filter units are also equipped with wall mounted speed controls that allow for adjustable airflow rates, enabling users to control the air change rate and maintain the desired cleanliness level within the environment. Additionally, some FFUs may include features like alarms, pressure sensors, and filter monitoring systems to alert users when filter replacement is necessary or if there are any issues with the unit’s performance.

Overall, the FFU plays a crucial role in maintaining clean and particle-free environments by effectively circulating and filtering the air, ensuring the air quality meets the required standards.

Fan Filter Unit Applications

Fan Filter Units are commonly used in various types of rooms and environments that require a controlled level of cleanliness. Here are some examples:

Cleanrooms: FFUs are extensively used in cleanrooms across industries such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, biotechnology, healthcare, and semiconductor manufacturing. Cleanrooms maintain low levels of airborne particles to protect sensitive processes, products, or research. FFUs are often installed in the ceiling grid system of cleanrooms to provide a constant supply of clean, filtered air.

Laboratories: Research laboratories, especially those involved in sensitive experiments, require clean and particle-free environments. FFUs can be employed to maintain the cleanliness level required for specific experiments, equipment, or materials.

Data Centers: Data centers require a controlled environment to protect computer equipment from dust and other contaminants. FFUs are utilized to provide clean airflow and prevent the buildup of particles that can affect the performance and reliability of the equipment.

Medical Facilities: In hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities, FFUs can be used in areas like operating rooms, isolation rooms, and laboratories to maintain sterile conditions and minimize the risk of airborne infections.

Microelectronics Manufacturing: The production of microelectronics, such as integrated circuits and semiconductors, necessitates extremely clean environments to avoid defects caused by particulate contamination. FFUs are vital in maintaining the required cleanliness levels during the manufacturing process.

Food and Beverage Industry: Certain areas of food processing and manufacturing facilities, such as cleanrooms for packaging or specialized production areas, may require FFUs to control airborne contaminants and maintain product integrity.

Aerospace and Precision Engineering: Facilities involved in aerospace manufacturing, precision engineering, or optics require controlled environments to prevent particles from compromising the quality and precision of their products. FFUs can help maintain the necessary cleanliness standards in these environments.

It’s important to note that the specific cleanliness level and requirements may vary depending on the industry, process, or product being produced or handled. FFUs can be customized to meet the specific needs of different applications, allowing for flexibility in achieving the desired level of air cleanliness.

Learn how Fan Filter Unit’s (FFU) Works