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6 Steps for Designing HVAC DDC Controls

6 Steps for Designing HVAC DDC Controls. In this article we’ll cover the six basic steps to designing a DDC controls system. By following these six steps you’ll get a basic understanding of what it takes for a control engineer to design a basic controls system. Then, we’ll explain the various types of points and controllers that are used in our example.

If you prefer to watch the Video of this presentation, then scroll to the bottom or click on this link. “6-Steps for Designing HVAC DDC Controls” 

At the heart of a properly operating HVAC system is the layer of controls that keep the system operating as intended. If the controls aren’t functioning properly then there will be a loss of occupant comfort and an increase in energy consumption. The controls must be designed to work with the HVAC system. 

Let’s start by making a list of the equipment we’ll need for our HVAC design.

Step #1 List all Systems to be Controlled

First make a list of all the systems that will need to be controlled. This could include the heating hot water plant, chilled water plant, air handlersfan coils and VAV boxes. For our example we’ll use a Heating Hot Water boiler system. The example we’ll use will be from the perspective of the boiler’s controller.

List of all Systems to be Controlled by the DDC System
List of all Systems to be Controlled by the DDC System

Step #2 – Make a Schematic Controls Diagram

From your list of systems you can make a simple controls diagram. Draw the equipment for your system on a piece of paper or into your computer program. Arrange the equipment starting with the source, such as a boiler or chiller. Then put any pumps, VFD’s, control valves and sensors that might be required. 

Schematic DDC Controls Diagram
Schematic DDC Controls Diagram

Here we show a boiler, it’s associated heating hot water pump, Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), a 3-way control valve and a Differential pressure transmitter (DPT), and a Heating Hot Water Supply Temperature Sensor. These are the basic components for our system.

Step #3 – Identify Points on the Control Diagram

The sequence of operation will identify points of control that will need some form of connection to a controller. 

There are four basic points that are used in DDC control diagrams.

#1 Analog Outputs (AO) – Modulate a damper or valve through a range of flow. The control signal is usually sent as a 0-10 VDC or 4-20 milliamp electrical signal to the device to be controlled. Since this is too small of an electrical signal to operate a damper or a control valve, there will be a transducer that converts the analog signal to a higher electrical power to operate the device. The diagram shows we have an analog output to 3-way control valve and the variable frequency drive.

DDC Control Diagram with Input and Output Points Shown
DDC Control Diagram with Input and Output Points Shown

#2 Analog Inputs (AI) – A range of values from Input sensors for items such as temperature, pressure, CO2, and humidity. The analog signal coming from the device will be converted to a digital signal within the controller so it can be processed by the computer. We have two analog inputs in our diagram, a temperature sensor and the differential pressure transmitter.

#3 Binary Outputs (BO) – Often a simple command to enable a piece of equipment to start or for opening a damper or valve. Also known as Digital Outputs (DO). In our diagram we have two binary outputs for starting the boiler and pump.

#4 Binary Inputs (BI) – Used to retrieve the operating status of a piece of equipment. This notifies the controller if a certain piece of equipment is running. Also known as Digital Inputs (DI). The diagram shows two binary inputs for the confirmation that the boiler and pump are running.

HVAC DDC Controller for a Heating Hot Water Boiler System
HVAC DDC Controller for a Heating Hot Water Boiler System

Step #4 – List the Sequence & Modes of Operation

Describe what occurs to the system and equipment during occupied and unoccupied modes. Indicate whether a piece of equipment is started or stopped, such as turning on and off a boiler, or whether the item needs to create an alarm for failure.

Using the sequence of operation we’ll expand the modes of operation to include trigger points for the system or piece of equipment. This could be temperatures, pressures, alarms and various differential temperature and pressure ranges. The sequence of operation is a very important part of the controls design as it informs the system operator how the system will operate to achieve the design goals. 

This is like the verbal commands you receive when using a GPS guided map in your car. It’s step by step instructions on what needs to be done to achieve the design intent. The setpoints are clearly stated along with how they are determined, while each variable is controlled by a single control loop.

The sequence will define how each device is controlled in the various modes of operation, such as normal operation, occupied or unoccupied mode, shut down mode, and alarm mode if required. Its normal mode of operation should be stated clearly.

Control engineers have saved templates of various sequences of operation that they can use or modify to fit the requirements of any project.

Here is what a sequence of operation might look like for our Heating Hot Water system.

Sequence of Operation for Heating Hot Water System

Sequence of Operation for a DDC Controls System
Sequence of Operation for a DDC Controls System
  1. DDC Controller shall start boiler when Heating Hot Water Pump is verified to be running.
  2. Hot Water boiler “ON” status to be confirmed, or an alarm is activated.
  3. As the heating hot water piping pressure differential decreases, pump speed will increase. As the HHW piping differential pressure increases, pump speed will decrease.
  4. DDC Controller will modulate the pump speed with a 4-20 milliamp signal to the variable frequency drive based on differential pressure.
  5. DDC Controller shall reset heating hot water temperature based on outside air temperature reset schedule (Hot water temperature = 180°F at 0°F outside air temperature, hot water temperature = 120°F at 60°F outside air temperature).
Heating Hot Water Reset Schedule
Heating Hot Water Reset Schedule

Control Points

  • Heating Hot Water Pump Status (Binary Input)
  • Boiler Enabled “ON” (Binary Output)
  • Boiler Status (Binary Input)
  • Boiler Temperature Reset based on Outside Air Temperature (Analog Output)
  • Outside Air Temperature (analog Input)
  • Heating Hot Water Piping Differential Pressure (Analog Input)
  • Variable frequency Drive for Pump (Analog Output)
  • Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Failure (Binary Input)

This of course is a very simple explanation of the sequence of operation. The actual sequence will involve more descriptive details, but this gives you an idea of how they are generated. One item not discussed is scheduling, which includes what happens in occupied and unoccupied modes. 

Step #5 – Make a Controls Points List

This is a simple chart that shows all the control points for the equipment and system. Points provide data for use in controlling the environment and can be used in software calculations or computer logic. Points provide the controller with information on the temperature, pressure, carbon monoxide level, humidity, the quantity of air or water flowing in a system, including other data inputs, along with output command signals.

HVAC DDC Controls Points List
HVAC DDC Controls Points List

There are points that are considered hardware and provide data to a controller or receive data from the controller, and then there are software points or virtual points that are housed within the control logic. We’ll cover the hardware points for a Heating Hot Water System containing a single boiler.

The first column is a description of the point. The following columns will be the various types of points that maybe required for any of the points described. There are analog and digital inputs and outputs, alarms, and other points. A number value indicates that the point is required. The control point can be an input sensor or the output control for the modulation of a damper or control valve.

Large systems will require a lot of points, while a smaller system will require much less. The more points the more cost associated with furnishing and installing the controls system. The points list gives a quick overview of just how many points are involved with the system.

Each point will need to be hardwired or configured wirelessly into the system or equipment controller. The controller allows various input and output points to be connected.

In a plans and specification project you’ll find the points list and the sequence of operations on the drawings or in the specifications. A clearly written and accurate points list and sequence of operation will provide the installing contractor with a clear roadmap to achieve the engineer’s requirements. 

Let’s look at the first two columns which are the inputs.

Looking at our example we see a binary output signal to enable or turn on the boiler. Next we see a binary input using a current transmitter to see if the power is flowing to the boiler. Next we have a binary output signal to turn on the pump through the VFD, while there is a analog output to control the speed of the pump using a differential pressure sensor. Once again we use a current transmitter to confirm that a piece of equipment is running, in this case the pump.

Supply water temperature sensor which requires an analog input from the sensor to the controller. There is an analog input for the differential pressure sensor which gives an indication of the pressure difference between the supply and return water piping. This will help control the VFD speed. If the pressure increases in the system, then the VFD will slow down the pump motor.

Also, on the list of points we see the boiler status requirement which involves a digital input. This can be done with a simple current transmitter that is connected to the boiler which shows current flow when in operation.

Remember that analog points provide for a range of measurements or control variability, while a digital point is two states, either on/off, start/stop or similar.

A digital input device could be a flow switch that will indicate whether the fan is blowing air or is off. It could also be a current device that detects the flow of electricity, which would then make a contact to indicate that the motor is running. Another device is the pressure sensor which is a digital input point that informs the controller that there is pressure in the system caused by the fan blowing air. All these devices are examples of digital input points for the purpose of obtaining the status of a piece of equipment. 

Next, we’ll look at the two columns of outputs. Analog outputs would direct devices to modulate like that of a control valve or damper, while digital output devices could start or stop a piece of equipment. 

A digital output signal is sent to the VFD enabling the pump motor to run, while the analog output signal to the VFD will adjust its speed. The points list also shows that we want a digital output to operate the turning on and off the boiler.

There is a column for alarms that need to be generated to alert the facility staff of a problem or for alarm tracking. There is a column to indicate if the item described needs to be added to the front-end graphical display. The column identified as Software points can be used for in-direct points that transmit data on the network for use by other controllers. This allows sharing of any analog, digital or logic accumulated on this system.

There is an extra column for other devices or points that are not tied into the controller but may need to be considered to have a functional system. These could include safety devices, like high-limit switches that protect the system but are not part of the input or output of the controller. Some valves or dampers don’t require a controller to operate as they can just require an on/off position which can be done with a thermostat or safety limit switch.

The points list could indicate the total amount of points that are currently designed into the system, but you’ll find that most engineering firms don’t show this on their drawings. This is something that they use behind the scenes to keep track of how many inputs and output ports have been assigned on the controller. The controller has a limited number of inputs and outputs, so it’s important to know how many have been used, and how many remain. The engineer may specify that there are to be so many spare spots on the controller for future expansion.

Step #6 – Write Controls Specifications

Another step after the fifth, would be the design of the overall system architecture and for the controls engineer to write the controls specification, but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Looking at our points list for our boiler system controller we can see all the input and output devices that need to be connected to the controller.


Controllers can be provided with the equipment or added on by the control’s contractor. This takes coordination between the installing HVAC contractor who is responsible for buying the major HVAC equipment and the controls contractor. They can be the same company if the HVAC contractor has their own controls division. 

Controllers are like small computers that can be made specifically for a piece of equipment or system function. They are designed in all sizes with varying numbers of inputs and outputs. Small systems require a small number of inputs and outputs, while large system can be comprised of many inputs and outputs along with sub-networks of other controllers. The controller requires input signals in order to make decisions on output signals. For hazardous areas where an explosion could occur from a digital controller, there are pneumatic controllers that can be used, or with some additional money the electronic ones can be made explosion proof.

Controllers have various analog and digital input and output connections that allow for the normal points required for that piece of equipment. There are also universal controllers that allow any connection to accept either analog or digital points of connection. The controllers will be located throughout the facility to operate the various pieces of equipment and systems. The controllers will be connected with communication cable into a network that provides the facility operator with an overview of the total system.

These controllers are configurable to allow programmers to set parameters that match the design requirements. The code can be customized for various setpoints (temperature, carbon monoxide levels, pressure, humidity), time schedules, alarms, trending, timers, and logic. 

HVAC DDC Controls System with Frontend
HVAC DDC Controls System with Frontend

The points list will identify all the input and outputs for each of the controllers. Each controller has its own input and output devices, specifically designed for the application. These controllers have onboard logic that processes the input data and responds as programmed to control field devices. These controllers can also communicate with an automation layer controller using BACnet or other protocols.

We covered the 6 Steps for Designing HVAC DDC Controls. While these are the basic steps as we have defined them, control engineers will have various methods of their own. Either way, the end game is the same, a Complete Functioning HVAC Controls Systems.

6 Steps to Designing HVAC DDC Controls

5 Practical Home Plumbing Upgrades to Help Conserve Water and Energy


5 Practical Home Plumbing Upgrades to Help Conserve Water and Energy. Water and energy conservation is a priority in many households, and plumbing upgrades are one of the most effective ways to help achieve this goal. Many options are available to help reduce water usage, but some upgrades are more effective than others. 

This blog post will explore the top plumbing upgrades that can help you save water and energy. We’ll look at the benefits of each upgrade and discuss how they can help you meet your water and energy conservation goals. So, let’s get started!

1. Dual Flush Toilets

The technology behind dual flush toilets is based on a simple concept. When the user pushes the button, a diverter in the tank opens to allow the water to flow into the bowl. The type of flush depends on the size of the opening. A full flush opens up a larger opening for more water, while a half flush opens a smaller opening for less water.

Checkout these Plumbing Fixtures here

These toilets come in various designs and colors, making them easy to fit into any bathroom decor. They are also available in standard and elongated models, so you can choose the one that works best for your space. Additionally, these toilets use less water per flush, so you don’t need to think of high water bills. 

The installation of a dual-flush toilet is relatively simple and should be done by a professional plumber. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your new toilet is installed properly and meets all local plumbing codes. Once installed, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a dual-flush toilet for years.

2. Low-Flow Faucets and Showerheads

Low-flow fixtures are often equipped with aerators that mix air with water, creating a mist-like spray. This spray is sufficient for everyday uses like washing hands or dishes and helps conserve more water than a traditional fixture. 

Low-flow fixtures can also be equipped with pressure-compensating devices that maintain a consistent flow rate regardless of the incoming water pressure. This ensures that the water used remains consistent even if your home’s water pressure changes. 

Choose Low Flow Fixtures to save water
Choose Low Flow Fixtures to save water

A low-flow faucet or showerhead, for instance, can help you save anywhere from 10-15% in water usage, depending on what type of device you choose.

3. Greywater Systems

Two types of greywater systems are available: point-of-use (POU) and whole-house systems. POU systems use a pump and filter to collect greywater from one or two fixtures, such as a bathroom sink or shower. 

Whole-house systems capture all of the greywaters from the house, treating and storing them for future use. Depending on the size of your home and the type of system you choose, installation costs can start from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand.

Overall, greywater systems are an excellent way to help conserve water in your home. They are a cost-effective and efficient way to reduce water usage while helping you save money on utility bills.

When choosing a greywater system, select one certified for safe use, as some systems can be hazardous if not properly maintained. Also, check with your local authorities, as regulations for greywater systems vary by state. If done correctly, a greywater system can be a great way to conserve water in your home!

4. Low-Flow Toilets

Low-flow toilets are one of the most popular plumbing upgrades for conserving water. These toilets are designed to reduce the amount of water used with each flush, using around 1.6 gallons of water in every flush, unlike traditional toilets, which can use up to 3.5 gallons per flush. This makes low-flow toilets a great option for saving on water bills and reducing water waste, and they are usually quite affordable, too.

Choose Low Flow Fixtures to save water
Choose Low Flow Fixtures to save water

5. Tankless Water Heaters

Modern tankless water heaters have features that will ensure that you’re only heating water when needed, helping save even more water in the long run. 

Some models come equipped with features that allow users to set their desired water temperature, which helps ensure that only the necessary amount of water is heated instead of wasting hot water that isn’t being used. Others come with recirculating pumps installed so that hot water reaches your fixtures quicker than usual. This means less water is wasted while waiting for hot water to reach the faucet or shower head.

However, installing a tankless water heater may be challenging. Water heater installation should include proper measurements to ensure the toilet fits comfortably in the available space. 

Checkout these Plumbing Fixtures here

During a water heater installation, professional plumbers can check for any potential plumbing problems that may cause leaks or other plumbing issues down the road. They also check the connections between the tank and bowl of the new dual-flush toilet to ensure everything fits properly and maximizes water conservation. 

Save Water and Energy with These Plumbing Upgrades

Making eco-friendly home improvements can greatly lower your water and energy usage, saving you money and helping the environment simultaneously. If you’re looking to reduce your water and energy consumption, plumbing upgrades are one of the best places to start. 

Heat Recovery Ventilator

Learn how a Heat Recovery Ventilator works. The purpose of the Heat Recovery Ventilator is to transfer sensible heat between the incoming and exhaust air streams, and to increase indoor air quality. Instead of wasting the heat, it’s recovered from the exhaust stream in cold climates and in warmer climates the incoming hot air is cooled down by giving up some of its heat by the cooler exhaust leaving the building.

If you prefer to watch the video of this presentation scroll to the bottom or click this link ” Heat Recovery Ventilator and How They Work

Ventilation air is required for human health and indoor air quality. The conditioning of this outdoor air takes lots of energy. By using a heat recovery ventilator, the load on the air conditioner can be reduced, thereby creating a more efficient system.

Checkout these Heat Recovery Ventilators here

We’ll explain how they’re built, how they work, how to size them, and the three different ways that they can be used with or without air conditioning. 

How a Heat Recovery Ventilator is Constructed

The heat recovery ventilator is made of a painted galvanized steel housing. There is a supply and exhaust fan capable of multiple speeds. There should be washable and/or disposable filters at the intake to both fans to keep the fans and heat exchanger clean. Some commercial HRV’s allow for final filters, which is a second set of filters of higher quality.

Heat Recovery Ventilator Construction
Heat Recovery Ventilator Construction

Then there is the air-to-air heat exchanger which is made of polypropylene or aluminum. There will be a 120-volt power cord that plugs into any nearby outlet or hard wired to a circuit breaker in a nearby electrical panel. A low voltage control wire will be routed from the controller to a connection on the ventilator.

A drain pan and drainpipe will be needed to carry away any water that accumulates during heat transfer or the defrost cycle. There will need to be two holes cut in the exterior wall to allow for the ventilation intake and exhaust grilles. Ductwork will be routed from the grilles to the heat recovery ventilator. The ductwork can be pre-insulated flexible duct or rigid round with insulation. 

HRV manufacturers position their fans and filters differently. Some will have the filter before the fan and some after. Some will configure the fans in a blow through arrangement while others use the draw through method. 

How a Heat Recovery Ventilator Works

First its best to remember that heat moves from a warmer object to a cooler one as defined by the second law of thermodynamics.  Heat will always seek to equalize itself with any cooler objects it meets. Therefore, you wear a jacket in winter, to retain the heat in your body and avoid it from equalizing with the cold outdoor air.

Now we’ll explain three common methods of using a Heat Recovery Ventilator. One method is used without an air conditioner or furnace, the next one with an integrated A/C system, and the final one integrated with all connections on the return duct feeding an air conditioner.

Checkout these Heat Recovery Ventilators here

Heat Recovery Ventilator (Non-Integrated System)

Ventilation air Ductwork will be routed from the outdoors through the heat recovery ventilator to various rooms, like bedrooms, living rooms and family rooms. It’s recommended to design the airflow so that the fresh air is routed from clean spaces to rooms where the air is to be exhausted because of odors. This would have the fresh air travel into the bedroom and then be exhausted through the bathroom, kitchen or laundry room where smells are generated.

Heat Recovery Ventilator without Air Conditioning
Heat Recovery Ventilator without Air Conditioning

This will provide a good path for fresh air to enter spaces where occupants are sleeping and living, while exhausting areas that generate smells or have stale air. This moves fresh air from clean areas through dirty areas. Now let’s add an air conditioning unit to the space.

Heat Recovery Ventilator integrated with Air Conditioning System

This will require an outdoor unit and an indoor air handler. See our video on “How Split System Air Conditioners or How Heat Pumps Work” for an explanation of these systems. The indoor and outdoor units are connected with refrigerant piping.

Heat Recovery Ventilator with Heat Pump Unit
Heat Recovery Ventilator with Heat Pump Unit

The heat recovery ventilator works the same way but is connected directly to the return air duct of the heat pump unit. The fresh air duct will need a manual volume damper to balance the air volume. The fresh air will be distributed through the existing air conditioning or furnace supply air ductwork. This requires that the air conditioner is running any time the heat recovery unit is running. There is an interlock between the two systems to ensure that one is not running without the other.

A backdraft damper should be provided in the return air duct upstream of the fresh air connection. This will avoid the heat recovery ventilator from pushing air backwards through the return air ductwork if the air conditioner was off or failed. Also, the distance from the return air connection to the air conditioner to where the fresh air tap into the return air is dictated by code, check your local code for distance requirements. Some manufacturers require at least 10 feet (3 m)

If the building has more than one air conditioner, there will need to be a separate Heat Recovery Ventilator for each.

Checkout these Heat Recovery Ventilators here

Heat Recovery Ventilator integrated with Return Duct of A/C System

The heat recovery ventilator works the same way but once again is connected differently. Both the fresh air intake and exhaust are connected to the return air ductwork. Instead of taking air directly from the bathroom, kitchen or laundry areas, this system arrangement just exchanges enough return air with the required amount of fresh air.

Heat Recovery Ventilator with Return Air Duct
Heat Recovery Ventilator with Return Air Duct

The bathroom and laundry rooms can have their own exhaust fan while the kitchen will have a range hood to exhaust air when cooking on the stove.

How to Size a Heat Recovery Ventilator

For small residential properties various equipment manufacturers provide convenient charts based on a quantity of cubic feet per minute (CFM) or Liters per Second (L/s) for each room in the home. Bedrooms receive the greatest amount of CFM (L/s), followed by all other rooms. One manufacture recommends 20 CFM (10 L/s) for Master Bedrooms and 10 CFM (5 L/s) for each of the other bedrooms and spaces within the home. 

Heat Recovery Ventilator Sizing Chart Based on CFM or Liters/second
Heat Recovery Ventilator Sizing Chart Based on CFM or Liters/second

Another sizing method uses Air Changes per Hour (ACH). See our video on Air Changes per Hour for a better explanation. One manufacturer recommends 0.35 ACH. The formula would look like this: Total Ft3 of building x 0.35 ACH / 60 Minutes/Hour.

Example:         A 30’ x 60’ home

                        1,800 Ft2 x 8’ Ceilings = 14,400 Ft3

                        14,400 Ft3 x 0.35 ACH = 5,040 Ft3

                        5,040 Ft3 / 60 minutes = 84 CFM (40 L/s)

Heat Recovery Ventilator Sizing Chart
Heat Recovery Ventilator Sizing Chart

Winter Mode

Cold fresh air is brought into the ventilator through a filter by a blower fan. The blower sends the cold air into the heat exchanger where it absorbs heat from meeting the material of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is warmed up by the exhaust air leaving the building. The exhaust air is brought in from the spaces within the building. The exhaust is filtered before the blower and then sent across the heat exchanger, before being thrown outdoors.

A heat recovery ventilator brings in ventilation air through one end and exhaust air through the other end. They cross paths internally within the ventilators heat exchanger, but the air streams never physically mix, so there is no contamination of the fresh air by the stale exhaust air. Instead, they transfer heat between heat exchanger surfaces that keep the two air streams separated. 

If frost accumulates then a defrost cycle could be implemented whereby the supply fan shuts off, while the exhaust fan speed increases. This allows the warm exhaust time to defrost the system when no supply air is brought in. The defrost cycle is turned on by measuring the temperature of incoming ventilation air. If the air is too cold the defrost cycle commences for a fixed time.

Summer Mode

The process is the same as in winter except that warm air is now brought in with the ventilation air. The blower sends the warm fresh air into the heat exchanger where it rejects heat as it crosses paths with the cooler exhaust air. The heat exchanger is warmed up by the ventilation air entering the building. The exhaust air is from the bathroom, kitchen and laundry as we showed before. The cooler exhaust air is filtered before the blower sends it across the heat exchanger where it picks up heat, before being exhausted outdoors.

Heat Recovery Ventilator versus an Energy Recovery Ventilator

First, we need to explain that there is a difference between a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) and the Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV). An Energy recovery ventilator removes both sensible and latent heat (humidity), while a heat recovery ventilator removes only sensible heat. Remember that sensible heat involves raising or lowering the dry bulb temperature of the air and doesn’t include the energy required for water vapor to change state. Latent heat is associated with water vapor and humidity.

Heat Recovery ventilators are cost effective at reclaiming heat during winter and are used in colder climates, while energy recovery ventilators are used in warmer humid climates to help control humidity. 

Heat Recovery Ventilator Control

There are various methods for activating the heat recovery ventilator. 

Thermostats can turn the unit off and on based on temperature or fan only status. Remember if the ventilator isn’t running, there won’t be any fresh air coming into the building by this method.

If used with Carbon Monoxide Detectors, some manufactures offer an interface connection that would allow the fan to go into high-speed mode. This would assist with CO dilution and exhaust. 

These units can also use a humidistat to control the speed of the fan. When humidity levels get too high within the space the humidistat can call for the fan to go into high-speed mode. Humidistats can be in bathrooms, laundry rooms or kitchens where moisture is generated. But remember, this is a heat recovery unit, it does not remove latent heat or moisture.

A remote timer can be used to allow occupants to turn the heat recovery ventilator on for the duration that they plan to occupy the space. There are also programmable fan timers that can be set to allow the system to come on and off throughout the day based on a schedule.

A simple switch could be used to allow occupants to turn the unit on and off as they wish, or the switch can allow for high-speed fan operation.

The recovery ventilator could also be connected to a building management system in a commercial application.

Heat Recovery Ventilator Maintenance

  1. Remember to disconnect the power before performing any maintenance or hire a professional to avoid unintended accidents.
  2. As with any air moving equipment, filters will need to be cleaned or replaced every quarter or based on usage.
  3. Clean the fans of any dust or grease that may have attached itself to the fan blades and fan housing.
  4. Check the drain opening and connected piping to ensure that the pathway is clear for condensate to flow unobstructed.
  5. Inspect the ventilation intake grille to ensure that the opening isn’t clog with debris like leaves and trash.
  6. Have the air ducts inspected and cleaned, if need be, or replaced if in poor conditioned. A dirty or leaking air duct will reduce the performance of the heat recovery ventilator.
  7. Clean the heat exchanger of any dust that may have accumulated. Some units allow for the easy removal of the heat exchanger and allow cleaning with a warm water/detergent solution. Check the manufacturers literature for maintenance and cleaning requirements.
  8. Make sure to maintain all clearance requirements for the removal of the core and fans. The manufacturers literature will indicate the required clearances.
  9. Do not exhaust clothes dryers, flammable fumes, dusty environments, or appliances.

1 CFM = 0.47189 L/s

1 L/s = 3.6 m3/Hr.

The heat recovery ventilator is designed to recover or reject heat in homes, hotels, offices, meeting halls and just about anywhere except where the air contains coarse dust, soot, flammable, or explosive mixtures, or any dangerous or harmful substances. 

Heat Recovery Ventilator and How They Work

Digital Planner for Construction Estimators

Digital Planner for Construction Estimators. This is the only digital planner especially made for construction estimators that allows for tracking of all the important task of the job.

The digital planner is automatically linked to all the pages, just click any link and it will take you to that page. This digital planner is available for the GoodNotes and Notability Apps.

If you prefer to watch the video of this presentation then scroll to the bottom or click on this link Digital Planner for Construction Estimators

Bid Schedule

Estimating Bid Schedule indicates all current projects bidding
Estimating Bid Schedule indicates all current projects bidding

Let’s start with the Bid Schedule. Here is where you will list all the projects that you’re currently bid including the bid due date and time, any job walk and RFI deadline dates and who it bids to. The first item which is the Estimate number is used throughout the planner to track all the documents related to that particular project.

Bid Log

The bid log is a history of all your bids for the current year. Here is where you can quickly go to see the date of any project you bid, the amount of the bid, the corresponding material take off pages which we’ll show shortly.

Keep Track of all your estimates in one neat file according to the year it was bid
Keep Track of all your estimates in one neat file according to the year it was bid

The delivery method whether plans and specs or Design/Build or any other method, and whether you were successful. Keeping track of your wins and losses for the year will help you at the end of the year to do a wins/loss percentage and to see what type of jobs you were most successful at.

Project Details

Next we’ll hop over to the “Project Details” page where you can quickly see the address of the project and the key players, like owner, Architect, Engineer. Who the competition is. If bid bonds, Performance and Payment bonds are required.

Details of project your bidding. All project details for the year in one simple digital file for safe keeping.
Details of project your bidding. All project details for the year in one simple digital file for safe keeping.

Delivery method, and if Liquidated Damages apply. If there is a owner budgeted amount. If there are any labor requirements, such as prevailing wages, any disadvantaged enterprise participation requirements, bid meetings, and a place to indicate a brief scope of work.

Job Walks

This form keeps track of all your job walks and a list of those in attendance and it records any important details that need to be noted.

Construction Job Walks - Keep Track of Job Walks and Important details
Construction Job Walks – Keep Track of Job Walks and Important details


There is an RFI log to track when RFI’s are due and if and when you submitted any with a brief description of the scope.

Request for Information (RFI Log)
Request for Information (RFI Log)

Quantity Takeoffs

You can do material takeoffs if you like and it will remain in your digital planner for ever. Document the drawing and detail number along with a description of the item required. Back at the office input the required material and labor cost for a quick estimate.

Material Takeoffs are easily documented in the digital planner.
Material Takeoffs are easily documented in the digital planner.

Project Meetings

Keep track of all your project meetings for the year in one neat digital planner. This is a record of when and where meetings are held, and who was in attendance, along with notes of what was discussed and the important items that need your attention. 

Estimating Meetings
Estimating Meetings

Specification Review

Record all the important sections of the specifications to ensure that you don’t forget to cover the cost of high impact specification sections.

Construction Specification Review Notes
Construction Specification Review Notes


List your personal and business goals. Remember if you write it down you’re more likely to accomplish your goals. So start tracking your goals.


This is for anything you want it to be.

Note Paper

Somewhere to take additional notes for later review. Items that may not fit in any other category.

Things to Do

List the important things that you need to get done every day, starting with this most important to your success in life and business.

Graph Paper

Somewhere for you to make sketches of project conditions or when discussing construction projects with the  owner, contractor or sub.

Monthly Calendar

The digital calendar includes all the months for the year.

Yearly Overview

Included is the complete yearly calendar for quick reference.

This digital planner has everything you need to keep accurate records of your complete year of estimating, all in one easy file.

Any of the pages can quickly be duplicated, allowing for an endless amount of projects and estimates for the year.

Start keeping track of all your estimates by requiring a digital planner of all your estimators.

The planner is available with the following link. Digital Construction Planner

Digital Planner for Construction Estimators