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How do Chilled Beams Work

How do Chilled Beams Work? The use of chilled beams allows for a reduction in the size of Air Handlers and Chillers, as less primary air is served to the space and higher temperatures of chilled water are used for cooling. 

Chilled beams are either of the active or passive type, which we’ll explain. The chilled beam will take care of the sensible requirements of the space, while the Dedicated Outside Air System or Air Handler will handle ventilation requirements. 

If you prefer to watch the YouTube video of these presentation, the scroll to the bottom or click this link How do Chilled Beams Work

Cool water will circulate through the chilled beams coil and cool the air surrounding it. Cool air is heavier than warmer air, so the effect of the beam cooling the air surrounding it will naturally cause a constant flow or circulation in the space. As the cool air drops the warm air rises, causing the space to cool down. Between the two, the most commonly used one is the Active Chilled Beam.

Active Chilled Beam

An active chilled beam contains one or two coils in a sheet metal housing, suspended or recessed within the ceiling. Primary air from an air handler or DOAS unit is connected to the chilled beam sending air through nozzles that induce airflow from within the space through the coils. The use of primary air from an AHU allows for greater capacities than the passive chilled beam type. Therefore, Active Chilled Beams are more commonly used. The active chilled beams will have piping and air connections. 

Active Chilled Beams served by a DOAS unit for Ventilation
Active Chilled Beams served by a DOAS unit for Ventilation (How do Chilled beams Work)

In most jurisdictions Ventilation air is required for all occupied spaces within a building in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1. Using an active chilled beam is when the ventilation air is brought directly to the chilled beam where it creates an induction effect. As the ventilation air blows through jets within the chilled beam housing it causes an induction effect that pulls in room air across the cold coil. This ensures that air circulates within the space in addition to the natural circulating effect caused by the differences in density between cold and warm air.

Active Chilled Beam Air Flow Pattern
Active Chilled Beam Air Flow Pattern

Since the cooling is being done at the space level and not back at the air handling unit, less ductwork and fan horsepower are required, including a smaller air handler. Chilled water and ventilation air will need to be brought to the space. This could also allow for a reduction in floor-to-floor height as less space is taken up in the attic for large air ducts. More energy can be carried in a small pipe than a large duct, so with the use of chilled water at the zone level, large ductwork can be avoided.

Active chilled beams come in lengths from 2 feet to 10 feet with various output values per manufacture. Outputs range based on width of unit. Common widths include 12” and 24”. Cooling capacity of active beams can range from 600 BTU/FT to 1,100 BTU’s per foot, based on make and model, while passive beams will have lower outputs in the range of 500 BTU/Ft

Passive Chilled Beam

A passive chilled beam contains one or two coils in a sheet metal housing, suspended from the ceiling.

Passive Chilled Beam with Chilled Water Coil. How do chilled beams work
Passive Chilled Beam with Chilled Water Coil

Once again ventilation air is required for the space, except with passive chilled beams the ventilation air is delivered directly to the space, and not through the chilled beam. The passive chilled beam uses natural convection to cause air circulation. This occurs when the cool air surrounding the chilled beams coil becomes denser and drops, while the warmer air naturally rises to the ceiling. This occurs without the use of a fan, hence its passive.

Passive Chilled Beam indirectly served by a DOAS unit
Passive Chilled Beam indirectly served by a DOAS unit

The difference between active and passive chilled beams is how ventilation air is delivered to the space and how much cooling can be achieved with each chilled beam.

Two-Pipe or Four-Pipe Chilled Beams

Chilled beams have the option to have a separate heating and cooling coil, or they can share a coil with the proper control valve arrangement. A four-pipe system uses two separate coils which gets you four pipes, two chilled water and two hot water pipes. Obviously the four-pipe chilled beam will be heavier as there are two separate coils.

Air Stratification 

Air stratification is when you have different levels of air temperatures. With chilled beams this involves the natural stratification of warm air versus cold air. Warm air will rise while cold air being denser will drop to the bottom.

DOAS or Central Air Handling Unit

The chilled beams are designed to handle sensile load while leaving ventilation and latent load requirements to the main DOAS or AHU. This eliminates the need for condensate drain piping at each chilled beam, as the temperature will be maintained above the dewpoint temperature. The AHU unit can be sized just to handle the ventilation requirements, thereby allowing for a smaller than normal unit. 

It’s imperative that the AHU be sized to handle the dehumidification requirements as the chilled beams are designed to handle strictly sensible cooling. The primary air must be dry enough to handle any space latent load while maintaining the indoor dew point at a low enough level to prevent condensation from occurring on the chilled beam coil. If the level of humidity is not properly provided for by the AHU, then condensation can occur on the chilled beams and water could drip on the space below.

Chilled Water Supply Temperature & Humidity Levels

The chilled water temperature to a chilled beam is in the range of 55°F to 62°F (12.7°C to 16.6°C) which is higher than a traditional chilled water system of 42°F to 45°F (5.5°C to 7°C) to avoid condensation. To avoid condensation the chilled water temperature needs to be maintained above the rooms dew point temperature, the point at which condensate occurs. The dewpoint transmitter will assist in maintaining the chilled water supply temperature to the chilled beams at 3°F to 4°F (1.6°C to 2.2°C) above the room dewpoint temperature. 

The temperature difference between the supply and return chilled water will be low, in the range of 5°F to 6°F (2.8°C to 3.3°C), making the return water temperature range from 60°F to 67°F (15.5°C to 19.4°C). The smaller delta-t requires a greater flow when compared to a typical VAV chilled water coil under ASHRAE 90.1 which requires a 15°F (8.3°C)temperature difference between the supply and return, with a minimum of 57°F (13.8°C) leaving water temperature. Chilled beams are excluded from the mandatory delta-t requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 as an exception #6 states that “Coils with design entering chilled-water temperatures of 50°F (10°C) and higher” are exempt.

In order to achieve a larger capacity chilled beam, you need either greater water flow or a higher delta-t, as the equation is Q = GPM x 500 x Delta-T. By increasing flow or the delta-t you can increase the capacity. But chilled beams are limited by their size and the temperature at which the chilled water can be delivered to avoid condensation.

With an increase in the chilled water supply temperature there will be an increase in the duration for which a waterside economizer could be used.

VAV System vs Chilled Beam

The best way to see some of the benefits of a chilled beam system is to compare it to the typical VAV system. All occupied spaces require some form of ventilation air per ASHRAE 62.1, but the method of using reheat in a VAV system to control space temperature is less efficient.

Active Beam serving a Patient Room in a Hospital vs the Traditional VAV System

Capacity control for space temperature is handled differently between the two systems. The VAV system will reheat the air that has already been cooled to maintain space temperature requirements. The chilled beam system will modulate the water flow to the coil to respond to load demand, but without the wasted energy of reheating. Chilled beams use a constant volume of air, while a VAV system varies the quantity of air to the space.

Instead of the delivering cold air through large ducts, the chilled beam system uses the more energy efficient carrying capacity of piping. Chilled water piping carries over 3,500 times the volumetric heat capacity than that of air ducts. This saves on ceiling space and allows for lower floor to floor heights or higher ceilings. The VAV system increases the volume of air to satisfy the space, while the chilled beam system increases the flow of chilled water.

The ventilation air delivered to the space using the chilled beam system is the proper amount based on space usage and occupancy level. With a VAV system the volume of ventilation air is less precise as the ventilation air is mixed with return air before being delivered to the space. 

Dewpoint Transmitters and Moisture Sensors

Dewpoint transmitters are used to sense space dewpoint levels to avoid condensation in the rooms where chilled beams are installed. Since chilled beams are designed to avoid condensation and are installed without condensate drain piping, the avoidance of condensation is important.  

Moisture sensors can be strapped to the chilled water piping to indicate if there is the presence of moisture. This would allow a signal to be sent to the control valve to stop the flow of chilled water to the chilled beam. This is a precautionary measure if deemed necessary.

Benefits of using Active Chilled Beams

  1. Reduced size of main supply ducts.
  2. Reduced size of Air Handler and/or Central Fans
  3. Elimination of reheat coils at each zone
  4. Reduced size of Heating Hot Water System
  5. Reduced Chiller Size
  6. Reduction in energy use
  7. Increased time of use for waterside economizers
  8. Quieter than conventional systems
  9. Reduction in floor-to-floor heights
  10. Reduction in mechanical room size

It’s possible that a high performance VAV system will beat the energy savings of an Active Chilled Beam system. Use energy modeling software to check if the building that you’re proposing for chilled beams is as energy efficient as a high performance VAV system. 

Installed Cost of a Chilled Beam 

The installed cost of a chilled beam system could also be higher than a conventional VAV system due the requirement to route chilled water piping to each space in lieu of just to the air handler room. Also, chilled beams have low capacities due to the higher chilled water temperature and may require lots of them to achieve the load demand of the space. The smaller Delta-T will require more flow to meet the demand if we look back at our formula Q = GPM x 500 x Delta-T, if the delta-t is lower than the GPM must be higher to achieve the same capacity. More capacity can also be added by adding more coil area, which adds more cost.

How do Chilled Beams Work

Why is my Air Conditioner not Cooling

Why is my Air Conditioner not Cooling? There are many things that can cause your air conditioner to underperform when you need it most. Here are a few things to check before calling your local air conditioning company unless you prefer a professional to do this. 

If you prefer to watch the YouTube version this presentation, then scroll to the bottom or click this link Why is my Air Conditioner not Cooling

Dirty Filters

One of the most common reason for less cooling is clogged filters. You should replace your filters seasonally or more frequently depending on the usage of your air conditioner. Dirty filters will reduce the air flow to the rooms, causing a loss in cooling.

Replace Dirty Air Filters Seasonally or Based on Usage
Replace Dirty Air Filters Seasonally or Based on Usage

Dirty Coils

The condenser unit sits outside exposed to the elements, including wind, rain, snow, dust, and dirt to name a few. It’s important that the condenser coil be cleaned to allow for proper heat rejection. A dirty coil will reduce the cooling capacity of the system. 

Split System Condenser with Dirty Coil
Split System Condenser

The indoor evaporator coil should also be checked but is less exposed than the condenser coil. The evaporator coil should be mostly protected by a properly maintained filter. When cleaning the coil be sure to clean the drain pan of any dirt and debris and to ensure nothing is blocking the drain piping leaving the drain pan.

Circuit Breaker has Tripped

It may be possible that the system has tripped your circuit breaker. This would stop all electricity from reaching your air conditioner. The indoor and outdoor units should be indicated on the electrical panel. See if the breaker for either of them has been tripped. The position of the breaker will be slightly different than the rest if the breaker has been tripped.

Checked for Tripped Circuit Breakers
Checked for Tripped Circuit Breakers

Disconnect Switch

Located near the outdoor unit will be a little box that has a means of shutting off the power to the unit for service. When any service is being done on the outdoor unit the technician will make sure this is shutoff to prevent an electrical shock. See if the disconnect switch is in the on position, if not then the unit is not getting electrical power.

Leaking Air Ducts

When replacing air conditioners, it would be a good time to check the condition of the ductwork that carries the air throughout the building. Leaks in ductwork should be fixed, as any leak is a loss of cooling capacity and a waste of energy.

Fix Leaking Ductwork. Make Sure all Joints and Seams are sealed.
Fix Leaking Ductwork. Make Sure all Joints and Seams are sealed.

It’s like carry a bag of quarters from the bank and having a hole in the bag, where quarters fall out unnoticed. Seal any leaks to ensure that the energy you are using is only used for cooling the space and not the attic or outdoors. Fixing ducts that leak is one of the greatest energy saving strategies.

Air Flow Obstructions

Make sure that the outdoor condenser section doesn’t have its airflow restricted by walls, bushes, or other objects. The outdoor unit needs to move air across the condenser coil to reject the heat absorbed in the building. If the condenser is not getting proper airflow, there will be a loss in cooling capacity.

Bad Indoor Fan Motor

The indoor fan moves the air over the evaporator coil. If the fan is dirty or has malfunctioned then little to no air will be coming out of the supply grilles. You can turn the thermostat setting to fan only to see if the fan is blowing at its normal rate. If nothing comes out when set to fan only there is a good chance something is wrong with your fan motor or a capacitor or relay.


Make sure that the stat is on and has power, and that the proper settings have been entered. Check to see that the setting for cooling is lower than the current room temperature. If it’s a new thermostat, then re-read the instructions to ensure proper installation and setup.


The Obvious

Make sure windows are closed and air vents are open. Make sure nothing is blocking the return air opening. 

When done of the above helps improve the cooling, then it’s definitely time to call a professional air conditioning technician who can properly diagnose the problem. Here are a few things they may discover.

Leaking Refrigerant System

If there is a refrigerant leak in the system, the cooling capacity will be diminished. If a leak is suspected the technician will be able to tell by checking the temperature and pressures of the system, much like the doctor listening to your heart.

Refrigerant Leak Detector
Refrigerant Leak Detector

The refrigerant is the medium by which heat is moved from one location to the other, such as absorbing the heat indoors and rejecting it at the outdoor unit. If low on refrigerant the system compressor could burn out.

Compressor Malfunction

This is definitely one of the most expensive problems to occur. The compressor is the heart of the system and is responsible for circulating the refrigerant from the indoor coil to the outdoor coil. If the compressor burns out, it may be time to look at an updated air conditioner with a better energy rating if your system is 10 years old or older.

Capacitor or Relay

Hopefully the compressor is all good and it’s just a capacitor, that small shiny object in the outdoor unit that holds an electrical charge for assisting in the starting of the compressor. Or maybe it’s a relay contactor, those electric devices that allow electricity to certain parts of the unit when requested. A malfunctioning relay or contactor is an inexpensive fix compared to other repairs. 

Capacitor and Contractor - Less Expensive Fixes
Capacitor and Contractor – Less Expensive Fixes

Frozen Indoor Evaporator Coil

The indoor evaporator coil is located above the furnace or in a sheet metal housing the indoor heat pump section. A frozen coil can occur when the refrigerant runs low or airflow to the indoor evaporator coil is restricted, like when a filter is clogged. Can you see any frost on the copper tubing leaving the evaporator coil, or is there excessive water dripping at the indoor coil? 

Undersized Air Conditioner

Hopefully the engineer or installing contractor perform a load calculation to determine the correct size for your space. Rules of thumb should never be used for the proper sizing of air conditioners. If it is determined that the system was undersized look at supplementing the existing system with a split system for a particular area with different usage patterns and re-duct the air from that space to serve the rest of the spaces.

Over-sized air conditioners are also a problem as they frequently cycle on and off, without the proper run time to remove moisture from the air, leaving the space cool but clammy. 

Minimum Maintenance you should provide for your Air Conditioner.

  1. Replace filters seasonally or sooner based on usage.
  2. Inspect and clean if required Condenser and Evaporator Coils seasonally.
  3. Inspect and lubricate fan motors seasonally.
  4. Flush and blowout condensate piping
Why is my Air Conditioner not working

Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet

This Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet was created by a 40 year veteran of the Commercial Construction Industry. It contains everything you’ll need to bid a small project to projects worth millions of dollars. Check out this easy to use Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet and establish accurate estimates.

If you prefer to watch the YouTube Video of this presentation then scroll to the bottom or click on this link Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet

Win more bids by knowing your cost and having a spreadsheet that includes everything from labor and burden rate tables, plumbing fixture labor and material sheets, plumbing equipment, plumbing material and labor summary sheets to name a few. This estimating spreadsheet will save you time and money bidding projects and increase your accuracy.

All aspects of the cost of furnishing and installing a Plumbing system is contained in one spreadsheet made specifically for the MEP industry. We’ll cover each of the tabs available in the Best Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet available anywhere. We’ll start with the Plumbing fixtures tab.

Plumbing Fixtures

the spreadsheet has a line item for all of the typical plumbing fixtures you’ll find on a residential or commercial projects, plus many lines to add more. Each line has a fixture value that you can assign so that the spreadsheet automatically calculates the project cost per fixture for a sanity check.

Estimating Plumbing Fixture Material and Labor Cost.
Estimating Plumbing Fixture Material and Labor Cost.

There are three additional columns not shown above that are used for vendor quote comparisons.

Plumbing Crew Size, Labor Rates & Burden

Easily calculate the total cost of labor including labor burdens.

Plumbing Crew Size and Labor Rates
Plumbing Crew Size and Labor Rates

The labor tab includes categories for General Foreman through 5th year apprentice. If you have a non-union company then you can easily change the descriptions to fit your labor designations. Starts with base wage and benefits, plus employer tax obligations and burden. There is also a burden calculator to help you figure the cost to be recovered for burden expenses. Also, included is a separate section for shop labor (not shown above).

Plumbing Equipment

This sheet is where you could put anything not counted as a fixture such as Boilers, Water Heaters, Pumps, Storage Tanks, etc.

Plumbing Material and Labor Summary

This is the sheet that totals all the material and labor where you can do a quick review of the overall trade numbers. Add the total feet of piping, including material cost and labor for each of the piping services, such as Domestic Water, Gas Piping, Waste & Vent and Storm piping.

Plumbing Material and Labor Summary Sheet
Plumbing Material and Labor Summary Sheet

Included is a section to adjust labor and measure the performance using field labor metrics. Also included is a section to calculate detailing time required for any project requiring detailers.

Plumbing Specialties

This tab is for the material and labor cost that are considered specialties because they don’t fit into any other category. They’re not plumbing fixtures or equipment per se, but items that need to have material and labor cost applied to them, such as pressure testing, pipe ID’s, Special Valves or Meters, seismic bracing, etc.

Plumbing Assemblies

This page is a time saver by having all your common fixture and equipment trim already preset, just select the size and quantity. Setup this page with the most common fixtures and equipment that you use repeatedly and for which you can list all the parts and pieces along with the labor. If you’re familiar with assemblies you’ll know this is a big time saver.

Plumbing Assemblies make takeoff's quicker
Plumbing Assemblies make takeoff’s quicker

Rental Sheet

here is where you can put all the typical pieces of equipment that you normally rent and the cost for the rental period. Instead of calling the rental yard for every bid, just keep track of the typical cost of rental equipment.

Plumbing Rentals Sheet
Plumbing Rentals Sheet

General Conditions

on this sheet of the plumbing estimating spreadsheet you’ll put your reoccurring project management fees, job site Office Fees,


This sheet is where you’ll find your typical plumbing subcontractors like insulation, chlorination, excavation, etc. Just record the quotes from each of the subcontractors, compare then and select the subcontractor cost to carry.


If you do you own engineering then you can easily set this up with the typical cost for your in-house engineering teams fees, or if you hire engineering firms and know their rates enter them here. This works well for those companies that do design/build work.

Main Estimating Summary Sheet

This is where all the cost is carried forward and you add your overhead and profit percentages along with any contingency.

Main Estimating Summary Page (Upper Portion)
Main Estimating Summary Page (Upper Portion)

Dashboard of Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet

The dashboard provides a quick visual overview of the total project along with cost metrics that let you compare one project against another. This allows you to learn what metrics are important to keep track of, and allows you to quickly spot something that doesn’t look correct. Below is a screen shot of the upper portion of the Dashboard.

Plumbing estimating Spreadsheet Dashboard
Plumbing estimating Spreadsheet Dashboard

The following additional sheets will help you manage your estimating process and determine if a project is worth spending the time and money to pursue.

Risk Assessment Sheet

This sheet allows you to assess the risk and rewards of pursuing a proposed estimate based on very real risk. Fill out the form to determine if the project is worth pursuing based on the values you give each category. This sheet can notify the estimator or salesperson if they need to get upper managements approval due to a poor risk rating.

Plumbing Specification Review Sheet

This sheet allows the estimator to record the important sections of the specifications. Using this sheet you can enter those items that are commonly seen in specifications in your region, and as a reminder for the estimator to search for in the current specifications.

Bid Notice Sheet

This allows you to document the important aspects of the project that bidding, such as bid date and time, job walk dates, deadlines for RFI’s, etc.

Click on this link to get this best in class Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet.

Plumbing Estimating Spreadsheet

How to Calculate Air Changes per Hour

How to calculate air changes per hour (ACH). How do you calculate how much air or CFM you need to provide to achieve a certain number of air changes?  We’ll show you how to determine the amount of CFM or air required for a space based on the required air change rate per hour. Often specifications or standards will mandate a minimum air change per hour for a room for ventilation purposes, odor control, pressure relationship between spaces, or to achieve a cleanliness level like in a cleanroom or operating room.

If you prefer to watch the YouTube video of tis presentation, then scroll to the bottom or click on this link. How to Calculate Air Changes per Hour

Air changes per hour is an indication of how many time the air within the space is exhausted, recirculated through the system, or recirculated within the space. 

We’ll cover how to calculate CFM and Air Changes using several different examples, including Hospitals and Cleanrooms. 

Air Change Rate per Hour Formula

The formula for Air Changes per Hour looks like this:

How to calculate air changes per hour
How to calculate air changes per hour. Formula for Air Changes per Hour

Air Changes per Hour = CFM x 60 / the Volume of the room

We can express it another way in order to calculate CFM as

CFM = Air Changes / Hour x Volume of room / (60 Minutes/Hour)

High Rates of ACH for Cleanrooms

Cleanrooms are hidden from our view but they are used throughout the industry for businesses such as Food Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, electronics manufacturing of computer chips, and any product requiring a clean environment.

Cleanroom Air Changes per Hour
Cleanroom Air Changes per Hour

Cleanrooms require large amounts of air to be recirculated through the filters to achieve a certain level of cleanliness. Cleanrooms are classified according to ISO levels 1 through 8, with ISO Class 1 being the most stringent or cleanest.

ISO Classification of Cleanrooms - Air Changes per Hour
ISO Classification of Cleanrooms – Air Changes per Hour

An ISO Level 1 cleanroom can require in the range of 500 to 750 ACH and require approximately 80% to 100% of the ceiling to be covered in filtration. ISO Class 8 can require in the range of 5 to 60 ACH and have a ceiling coverage rate of 5 to 15%.

For a cleanroom air change rate example let’s use the following information given to use by the owner.

Space is to be a Class 1 Cleanroom

The measurements of the room equal 12 ft x 20 ft x 9 ft

And the Requirements are 500 Air Changes per Hour minimum

Step 1 is to Determine the Volume of the Room

12 ft x 20 ft x 9 ft = 2,160 ft3

This is the volume that needs to be removed from the space every hour multiplied by the number of air changes required in an hour. The thing to remember is that this is in ft3 an hour, and we need to get the units to minutes, as in cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Step 2 – Determine Required Recirculation CFM

CFM = Air Changes / Hour x Volume / (60 Minutes/Hour)

CFM = 500 ACH x our volume of 2,160 ft3/ divided by 60 to get us to minutes, not hours.

CFM = 18,000

For our second example we’ll use a Hospital

Air Changes for Hospitals

The ACH rate is a common design requirement for various rooms within a hospital. Critical spaces within hospitals require that a certain amount of ventilation air be brought into the room every hour in addition to that, there is another requirement to recirculate the full volume of air a minimum number of times through the system every hour. 

Hospital Air Changes per Hour
Hospital Air Changes per Hour

For example, a Recovery Room may require 2 ACH of ventilation air with a minimum air change rate of 6 for the space. This will require that the volume of outside air for ventilation be two times the volume of the space within an hour and another 4 ACH recirculated through the HVAC system for a total of 6 ACH.

The difference between a hospital room like an operating room and a cleanroom, is that the operating room doesn’t allow the air to be recirculated within the space, as opposed to a cleanroom where the use of fan powered recirculation units are acceptable to achieve the required cleanliness level.

Increased air exchanges reduce odors, increase air quality and cleanliness. There is obviously a cost to increasing the quantity of air changes due to the consumption of fan and or compressor power. Providing the correct amount of air and no more is critical to providing an energy efficient system. When critical spaces are unoccupied, the air change rate should be setback to lower volumes or turned off if allowed.

We used the same volume as the previous example so that you can see what the difference is between the two air change rates.

Hospital Recovery Room ACH

The space Volume is the same as before at 12 ft x 20 ft x 9 ft

The Requirements are 2 ACH of Ventilation with a 6 ACH Minimum

Step 1 again is to Determine the Volume of the Room, which is 2,160 ft3

Step 2 – Determine the Required Ventilation CFM

CFM = 2 ACH x 2,160 ft3/60

CFM = 72 

Step 3 is to Determine the Required Minimum CFM

CFM = 6 ACH x 2,160 ft3/60

CFM = 216

Step 4 is to Determine the Required CFM to be Recirculated through HVAC Equipment

Minimum ACH – Ventilation ACH = Recirculated ACH (This can be stated in CFM)

Recirculated CFM = Minimum CFM 216 – Ventilation CFM 72

Recirculated CFM = 144

You can see that the same size room at the two different air change rates makes a huge difference in the volume of air that must be circulated.  

how to calculate air changes per hour ACH